A/B Testing Headlines

A/B testing headlines is often overlooked. Below we have listed five reasons why this is an excellent place to start your A/B testing cadence. 

First Impressions 

1: Headlines by definition are listed at the top of the page. This is your first impression and you don’t want to blow it. Spend time crafting the right headline that simply reiterates what your product or service is. Get too creative and your visitors will bounce. 

Relevance is key

2: Relevance is the secret to increased conversion rates. For example, if you are spending money on google adwords make sure the language from the ad text (adgroups) matches the headline of your landing page. Not only will this put you in a position of better conversion rates, but it will help with your quality score. 

Easy to execute 

3: Headlines are easy to A/B test. The level of effort is low and which means your velocity to execute is high. For example, with Puffin.io it takes about 5 minutes to create and launch a headline A/B test. Which means your likelihood to find a winning recipe in a short period of time is probable. 

End the debate

4: Headlines are always a hot topic at your company. Uncertain about your homepage headline? End the debate with leadership by testing all the company ideas. Find what works, and move on. 

Upside for everyone

5: There is always tremendous upside to A/B testing headlines. For example, many headline A/B tests can increase conversion between 20%-60%. For this reason, headlines are always a great place to start when you are A/B testing. 

If you are looking for a place to start A/B testing consider headlines. Headlines are a great way to explicitly let visitors know what your product or service is. Headlines are easy to A/B test, the level of effort is low. Headlines can also make your landing pages relevant which is a key factor for increasing conversions. End the debate with A/B testing your home page headline. Leadership will be thrilled putting that issue to rest. A/B testing headlines typically yields high returns. Keep at it and with certainly you will repeat those same results. 

Puffin.io is A/B Testing Software for Websites. Looking for help setting up your next A/B test? Let us know.